Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I chose the analect 4.4 of Confucius because I believe that even though it is simple it has a lot of meaning. The analect said "merely set your heart sincerely upon goodness and you will be free of bad intentions." I can infer that from this analect , the master is trying to tell us that even if you do a little bit of good , you will get good in return. But he also specifies with the word sincerely that we must do it with good intentions and with pleasure , and not just so that you can get good intentions in return.

you can see examples of goodness in those who do charity work specially because they volunteer their time to help those in need, they do it only because they are glad to do so and not because they are expecting something in return , like a prize or a cash reward. But sometimes students do the charity work only because they need the hours to graduate high school, and that is what Confucius does not want.