This section deals with many things , like Siddhartha noticing he has fallen into the materialistic world , and discovering he has a son. He also accomplishes what he has been searching for during all his life, which is enlightenment. After being a wealthy merchant for many years he realises that this is not the way he wants to live his life, and he had escaped the jaws of materialism once and he had now fallen back in. This reminds me of a character in a movie named LOL. The character is a boy who has a band and loves to play the guitar, but his father doesn't allow him to play and tells him that he has to study, and basically has his entire life planned out for him. One day this character gets tired of obeying his father, and decides to leave to the concert, because he realises that he has been living a life he doesn't want.
later on Siddhartha reaches a river that turns on his switch of enlightenment, the river speaks ohm to him and he decides to live there with a ferryman. He is now enlightened and feels at peace with the river, until kamala and his son appear back in his life. Kamala then dies and Siddhartha must take care of his son. He claims to love his son , yet he had never loved anyone before. So when Siddharthas son said he wanted to leave it was very sad news for him so de did not let him, but later on he escapes. This also reminds me to another fragment of the movie LOL. The main character , Lola , is a teen ager that is very similar to her mom but neither she or her mother know that. One day lola goes to paris and has many adventures there and she writes about them in her diary, so when her mother reads it by accident she is very surprised. Lola's mother than prohibits many of her activities and keeps her on a tight leash, but later on she sees that Lola is exactly like her. So this relates to Siddhartha in a sense that Lola is Siddharthas son and her mother is Siddhartha, because Siddhartha wants to hide his son from all the dangers , just like his dad did with him. So you can see that history seems to repeat itself and you can see how you change your points of view as a character.
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